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Some Buddhist teachers insist that believing in rebirth is necessary for living an ethical life. Their concern is that if there is no fear of karmic repercussions in future lifetimes, what keeps hospice patients, for example, from overcharging their credit cards? I find this argument as sad as the argument that without a belief in…


The experience of ordination begins when one hears the Dhamma for the first time in such a way that one understands the benefits one could gain from becoming a monk or nun.  This experience continues when one meets monastics and learns the Buddha’s teaching from people who are practicing it directly. The Buddha’s path of…


The Jetvan Monastery was created to preserve the Theravada forest meditation tradition within the context of Western culture. Our vision is as follows: To provide a forest monastery where ordained monastics can live while cultivating Sila (morality), Samadhi (concentration) and Panna (wisdom) To provide training to suitable lay candidates who are seeking ordination and to ordain…

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